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MassDLA Events

Construction Law Committee Presents: Mechanic's Liens Pitfalls and Traps for the Unwary

January 25, 2023, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Location: Zoom

Contractors, architects, and suppliers that experience payment issues have a powerful tool at their disposal: a mechanic's lien. But with great power, comes great responsibility - and extensive statutory requirements that must be followed to enforce a lien. We will review the Massachusetts Mechanic's Lien Statute, G.L. c. 254, key notice and filing requirements, deadlines, and other traps for the unwary in this lunch n learn discussion. MassDLA Board Member Nathan Cole will lead this discussion, geared toward construction law novices and those seeking a general overview of mechanic's lien basics.

J. Nathan Cole, Kenney & Sams PC

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Massachusetts Defense Lawyers Association
6 Liberty Sq. PMB 92717
Boston, MA 02109
Cheryl Palombizio, Executive Director